
3D Printed Alien Xenomorph Suit

This page is building the Tail, check out the main project index for the rest.

There are some YouTube videos about this section

The tail is going to be made from several 3D printed parts glued onto foam pipe insulation. It will be semi-animatronic and controlled by cables which are attached to the wearers legs. Each piece is made in various sizes which taper down the tail, and also allow for the pipe insulation to be coupled, to make a tail approx 2 metres in length.

The tail tip/end is printed in Ninjaflex rubber so I don’t have someone’s eye out. The pipe insulation will be painted black with Plastidip rubber:

I’ll be using black Nylon 3D printer filament down the top and sides of the tail to control its motion:

In order to mount the tail, we need a substantial chassis on the back. This will be multiple 3D printed plates bolted to the strapping system:

These sections are shaped with heat down the ‘grooves’ so that they can match the contour of the wearers back, and make sure that the tail continues it’s path up to the ‘tongue’ part at the top:

Both the lower and mid back plates are attached to the tail for bracing:

This leaves me with several mounting points for the other features: