
3D Printed Alien Xenomorph Suit

This page is building the Head, check out the main project index for the rest.

There is a YouTube video about this section

The head parts are largely designed in a similar way to the upper arm and shoulder, although a lot more detail and layering is required. The main head structure will be made from series of loops which have conduit run between them. The main inner head will be printed in black ABS, while the outer parts that represent the clear dome of the head will be printed in transparent ABS. Each side of the head will include the ‘hose’ detail parts which are made of lots of smaller modules strung together so they can be arranged at precisely the right curvature:

I decided I’d like to have a go at the jaw section next, and then decide how that fits onto the rest of the head later. I have some hooks for conduit to run over the top jaw assembly and hinge points for the lower jaw. Print time for the whole lower jaw was looking to be around 24 hours due to the large amount of support material. I managed to reduce this to around three lots of four hours by cutting it up and printing the side parts flat on the bed:

And the 3D printed parts:

The basic head structure, mostly balanced together at this point. Eventually the parts will be chemically welded together with Acetone:

The jaw parts:

Check out the Inner Jaw Page for more about that:

The next parts of the head are partially mechanical and partially cosmetic:

The pieces so far:

I’ve attached the side tubes which are made from multiple pieces attached to a 3D printed former:

More pictures with some more bits stuck on: