Chest Plate
|Iron Man Hulkbuster Suit
This page is about the Hulkbuster Chest Plate & Details. Check out the check out the main project index for the rest.
There are some YouTube videos about this section
As with the other parts, some of the plates are Foam PVC, Plastazote Foam, and 3D printed. The chest plate is largely sheet material supported with 3D printed brackets:
The parts in real life, with a test fit of the Unibeam:
The main plate mounted, I still need to make some 3D printed parts to hold the Unibeam and dome:
More parts are 3D printed, and also made from sheet material:
This allows opening panels on each side of the Unibeam which will later hold internal detailing. These parts are driven by an R/C servo so they can open and close:
I’ve also built a mounting bracket for the Unibeam and dome:
Working my way down the torso:
The gold parts are 3D printed, the red parts are again Foam PVC
The rob sections are mounted on the floating pistons so that they move around with the arm movement:
The Abs still look a bit ‘gappy’ so I’ve added some extra mesh sections and piston ends:
And the pieces in real life:
After stretching the suit to make it wider, I have added some more frame parts to hold panels:
Some more panels and some painting: