I challenged Ivan Miranda and Tom Stanton to an electric wheelbarrow race! I converted my front wheel to a castor wheel so I could motorise the other two
I worked with Final Year Degree Students in Computer Games Technology at Portsmouth University CCi Faculty. I build a robot that can be controlled with serial commands, and
I recently built a Robot Gripper Project which is force driven. This means that each joint is attached to the actuator with a spring and we can measure
I made Henry Hoover play Africa by Toto! I’m using an Arduino MEGA and a Sparkfun MIDI shield to control 3D printed servo-driven valve blocks. There’s more on
I made a 3D Printed Giant Electric LEGO Skateboarding Minifig! Check out the videos below or scroll down for pictures and words. This Minifig is based on Emmet
Eventually I’ll be building an entire force-driven robot arm, but for now I’m going to experiment with a gripper. There’s a video about this project, or scroll down
I decided to do some experiments with some large pneumatic cylinders that were left over from build Bumblebee the Real Transformer. Each cylinder is capable of lifting 300Kg
I made a Laser projector Graphic EQ display. Check out the video or the pictures and words below. You can get the CAD and code at: https://github.com/XRobots/LaserEQ The